Saturday, March 28, 2009

March of old

March almost gone... I can hardly believe it. I wanted to take some time to see March up close, in High Park, like I did last year. But it was a different March then, thick snow had melted suddenly and was creating all sorts of interesting works of art. This year it is melting very gradually. Perhaps there's still time to catch some visual marvels such as the layered-cake effect of long accumulations and melting of various layers of snow, specially here in the city where road dirt deposits in thin black layer in between each. Like a fine half melted French pastry. Here's last year's crop. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New amazing artist

I have just discovered artist Andy Kehoe and no artist has flown so close to my heart... At least not in a very long time. He reminds me a lot of Matt Leines but his subjects are much more towards forests, Nature and, as it is to for me, nature becomes a metaphore for human life, and Human life for nature. That's what I like so much there. But also his beautiful sense of poetry ...which some times lacks in American Art. It's on the edge of cynicism but manages to avoid it and sends a message of peace, hope, dignity....

Let me know what you think!
This piece is called " Noble Voices Lie Hidden and Mute"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Russian Tale

I found this wonderful picture book, illustrated by Caroline Sharpe. A russian tale. Love the expressive style it has.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ironing restless minds and vintage aprons

...was watching the DVD "Ruling your world" by the Sakyong. I thought, "what a fine combination, ironing and buddhist principles! ...Perfect! You'll admire my remarkably modest ironing board... on the edge of ridiculous. Though... I did manage well enough and all unsightly wrinkles fled.

wintergreen ...and other edible wilds

As you may have cared to notice, I am very interested in the relationship between people and nature. One of the practical aspect of that is knowledge of edible wild plants. I found an awesome little book about that subject while shoping at MEC: "Edible Wild Plants - a North American guide" by Elias and Dykeman. I am really trying to remember all this plants to be able to recognize them in the woods. One of the greatest is the wood lily (called sometime day lily). It grows easily everywhere, it's beautiful and the tuber and flowers are edible and yummy (haven't tried yet so don't take my word for it) they compare the cooked tuber to potatoes. Also the flower can be steamed as vegetable or dipped in batter and fried. Cool! I also noticed another great one to remember: "Wintergreen" and here is an [untested] jam recipe for it:

-Mix in blender 2 cups berries, 1oz lemon juice, 1 cup strong wintergreen tea (boil 1qt leaves with boiling water, steep 2 days, covered)
-blend until smooth add 4 cups sugar.
-bring to hard boil in pan 1pkg of pectin +3/4 cup water.
-boil 1 mn and add mixture, mix well, pour in jars and seal.
contains natural aspirin-like ingredients: when in pain, eat jam!

...applies also to the related species "Creeping Snowberry"

Please share your knowledge of wild edible plants!