Hey friends!I know... I've been full of words and poor in pictures... That's only because I had to reset all my system... all that fun stuff. But now I swear I'm back in business full-swing and filled those long winded posts with pretty pictures everywhere, last week-end.
Until then I must tell you what happened to me yesterday... nothing worth a Hollywood movie - even a cheap one but I went, driven by addiction, to a thrift shop and found a charming pinkish red hand bag - first hand bag in decades! - couldn't resist the combination of materials (little red flowers inside, hot pink outside), also found a decent frame for my Art - bonus - and a book on India's Art, an antique book on cats, an antique little bus card holder, and, last but not least...
But first let me explain: when you go thrift shop hunting, there is that
one thing that can happen
only in that kind of shopping (well, ok, in libraries as well) - "
finding-something-inside", no, not often, and it usually is just a gum wrapper - such as I did find in the pink bag - but yesterday...
I came home and went on an expedition inside an old little wallet I found there with the words "leather Irish made" in gold on it. I found things in it and also in a vintage kid's book. And it seemed amazing to me.
In the book was a library card. I love library cards... and it was the most magnificent library card I have ever seen! Like a road map of the life of this book - about a witch and her many cats!
Inside the wallet I found 3 things: 2 loonies and a little fortune cookie paper. One of the loonies was marked 1988 - the year I came to Canada. The other one said 94, not a significant year for me, but I put them side by side and saw that one had a young Queen on it the other one an old Queen: a symbol of my coming of age, and on the little yellowed paper was typed with an old typewriter the words "
courage - everything will be all right". I put all these treasures in front of me and paused. I felt like I was getting a big hug from the universe. Later on, as I peered at my figurine of the goddess of compassion, I felt this tangible wave of love pass through me.
anyway, a pitcture of the world we live in: an irish wallet with 2 candian loonies and a chinese fortune cookie note - perfect!