Yesterday for the first time I spoke to someone's Higher-Self.
It was a humbling experience. I felt at peace. The whole session went so well. I was just flowing with it. My client was very comfortable with everything, he had experience with hypnosis. We went through 1 life, then as I did not see him move naturally to the next life I asked to speak to his higher self. His Higher Self was gracious and spoke to me but then explained to me that he needed to understand things by seeing and so we went back again to a past life, a fascinating, deeply touching one, and then again to the Higher Self who told me we were not done yet! ...He needed to see one more past life! ...So off we went! I was just amazed at how much my client went through in little over 2:30 hours. And after the 3 lives, we went through so much with the higher self.

I realize now that as a QHHT practitioner I have a huge role yet a simple one. I realize that the higher self with it's infinite intelligence helps me, helps the client in magical ways. What it did was amazing. I am waiting to see how much my client wants to share, he needs to think about it and I can definitely understand that, I need to digest this myself. It was such a beautiful gift for me. I see after the fact where I was guided and shown things. And I am deeply touched and grateful. I hope that eventually I will be able to see these things as I go along, and dance the great wisdom dance with the Higher-Self.