Sunday, June 28, 2009

a little drawing for Brice

Brice my big brother who is mentally handicapped, made me (he is an artist) a beautiful drawing for my birthday. I thought I should try to say thank you with a drawing as well, and though mine is not quite as special, I think he might like my red wolf. What do you think?...


Aлиса said...

С Днем Рождения, Сильва!
Рисунок брата хороший. Похож на твой стиль - лес, медведь. Мне понравилось.

Rebecca said...

I 'm sure he will cherish it, as you will his. Happy Birthday! Becky

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Very cool! :-D

Maureen said...

Like the teeth and fur ruff around his neck. Nice.

Kipik said...

So cool! Thanks for all the great comments! I'll let you know what Brice says! (if he doesn't like something, it's really clear: he lets you know! hehe!

Jo James said...

Love it!