Friday, May 14, 2010

Alternative Ground Cafe Show - View 3

These are a few pict I took after all the work was set-up. I am pretty happy with how things looks, and A.G. manager Brenda said she was as well.

I hope people will lift their head enough to take a look!  It is a really nice opportunity to have my art up for a whole month and benefit a great endevour  like this.

Hope to see you there!


Tsultrim said...

C'est un environement colore qui est parfait pour ton art ! How auspicious !
J'espere que la bete a corne, tu la vends hyper cher ! 10 000 dollars au moins !Sans ca, gardes-la !
bravo ma poulette ! ta frange-de-soeur. E.

Kipik said...

Thanks sweetie! non "Wounded beast" n'est pas a vendre, mais il est expose... 10 000.00! wow... tu me l'achete? hehe!