Saturday, September 4, 2010


Last Tuesday, I was in the kitchen, when in the corner of my eye I saw something move inside my little lamp (the one I use now until I replace the broken bulb of the ceiling lamp) it is a frosted glass squarish tube with a small light bulb inside.I saw at the bottom something moving. I thought it was a moth. So I looked distractedly and saw it was a wasp instead... Reliving that moment in my mind, I am surprised at how my mind was not present. I looked at the wasp strugling, confused, terrified. I felt nothing. I was just about to turn away without a second thought when that suddenly felt terribly wrong. I could not have turned away. At that moment my compassion woke up and it took so little effort to free the wasp. It lauched from the lamp into the garden. I felt joy for it.

The little wasp has left a strong mark on my soul.

There was a moment of confusion between absent-minded carelessness and compassion that was interesting. I took a snapshot in my mind shocked at the indiference but not yet overcome by compassion. It was an important lesson about awareness ...and compassion.

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