Tuesday, August 22, 2017


So excited!!!

I passed my level 1 QHHT exam today with a 95% mark!
A very good start!

You know what this means???

I will very shortly get started doing Quantum healing hypnosis sessions, healing people! and the 1st 10 are completely free!, the next 15 will be just "pay what you can" so if you know anyone in the Toronto area, Canada, let them know!!! This may be for them a unique chance to get healed at no cost.

I have a few people already on my list.


Anyone who get a session with me gets a free super high quality giclĂ©e art print!!! ...How cool is that ???
(Many to chose from!)

And here are a few links to learn more about QHHT:

- On Dolores Canon, the creator & developer of the QHHT system.

- On what is QHHT:

- On Alba Weinman who was my main inspiration to start doing this:

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