Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Art

Le Grand Cerf MajestueuxJanuary puffinEnchanted forestDans la foretL'auree Du BoisLe chat de l'artiste
Grenadier Pond, High Park, TorontoRed CanoeLes escargotsA landscape, no, a WorldRaged LakeThe Magnificent Moth
Wolf runningBut do you still have a heart?Happy the catRenewal - High Park - TorontoUnder the Treesunlight dancing under the cherry trees - High park
Little drawing for my friend Maniaa beautiful tree on St marguerite islandspooked away2 ravensFall SeasonEnchanted Forest
My Art , a set on Flickr.
my flickr page! with more art and photos...


learn oil painting said...

nice painting...Daniel

Kipik said...

Thanks Daniel!


Love you art and notebooks!

Kipik said...

Thanks Lo!!! It means a lot!