Monday, November 6, 2017

Message in a bottle

More sessions have been taking place. It seems people have given each other my info: wonderful !

What I notice is, sometimes, clients think they have had a negative outcome when the session did not lead to the Higher Self. But I disagree. In some cases the past lives themselves (or even any experience) can be almost as powerful. As an example, recently, one of my clients was shown 2 parallel past lives. I feel this was such a powerful message: 2 lives with 2 different outcomes, both lives having an artistic theme. There can be so much teaching and guidance there if you look closely.


Remember : it is your Higher Self who takes you to these past lives experiences


Other clients see a simple life or a life that was shown only in it's basic purpose (see previous post!) That is powerful too.

I suspect that when we are shown something, we are expected to take notice, absorb the message, take stock of the message within that experience. Not so much understand it all, no, but take notice, ask questions ...and... well... that's my role! : To ask the right question at the right time, seem to be a big one in this line of work. I feel a very strong guidance in this matter, and would never fight it. But that said, I still have, of course, a lot to learn!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Number 5


My first 3 sessions were challenging ; my 4th was incredible...

So... it is logical, perhaps, that my 5th was a mixture of the 2 : Successful as we did talk to the Higher Self... challenging as my client did not seem to connect deeply with the lives experienced. But that too made sense as this client was very balanced in his life and seem to have no ongoing issues.  Mostly the HS reassured my client saying everything was where it needed to be at.

"All is well. Keep on keeping on! "

I feel my role in that case is to make sure I have opened all the possible drawers and doors that I could. I feel I did that.

I love this journey. It is good.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A privilege – a humbling experience

Yesterday for the first time I spoke to someone's Higher-Self.

It was a humbling experience. I felt at peace. The whole session went so well. I was just flowing with it. My client was very comfortable with everything, he had experience with hypnosis. We went through 1 life, then as I did not see him move naturally to the next life I asked to speak to his higher self. His Higher Self was gracious and spoke to me but then explained to me that he needed to understand things by seeing and so we went back again to a past life, a fascinating, deeply touching  one, and then again to the Higher Self who told me we were not done yet! ...He needed to see one more past life! ...So off we went! I was just amazed at how much my client went through in little over 2:30 hours. And after the 3 lives, we went through so much with the higher self.

I realize now that as a QHHT practitioner I have a huge role yet a simple one. I realize that the higher self with it's infinite intelligence helps me, helps the client in magical ways. What it did was amazing. I am waiting to see how much my client wants to share, he needs to think about it and I can definitely understand that, I need to digest this myself. It was such a beautiful gift for me. I see after the fact where I was guided and shown things. And I am deeply touched and grateful. I hope that eventually I will be able to see these things as I go along, and dance the great wisdom dance with the Higher-Self.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The sessions have begun !

I did my first 3 sessions with friends and relations and I have already learned a lot. They were not as great as I hoped they would be, but that's the way it was probably meant to be, and I have a great deal to learn still.

The most interesting one was the last one, a close friend who was able to go back to her childhood, had a vivid experience of seeing her dad then saw a bright blue light surrounding her. When I asked the light to heal her she then said "it's working" . So I will have to check with her later if her physical symptoms are going away at all. even a bit would be awesome.

I am sorry I did not ask many more questions and said things a bit differently but every session makes the technique a bit clearer.

I was not able to reach her Higher Self (SC) but I know what I would do differently next time.

All 3 of them are people who have difficulty releasing control, or difficulty with trust. That is part of why we did not go further, together with, of course, my lack of experience. Eventually, these blocks will not be a problem as Dolores Canon's technique is so sound and wise, it can handle all kind of people.


My QHHT room is ready and willing... who will be next???

The sessions are still free!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My new QHHT bed

It arrived!

Ordered this new foldable bed from Sleep Country and, though the service was fair at the store, the rest was seriously bellow standards. Maybe I am used to the Ikea style where a company takes pride in the furniture they sell, no matter how expensive or cheap. Not singing praises for Ikea here, just my experience of sound instructions, complete hardware and respectful delivery.

Won't bore you with details but although this could be a great extra bed for most and is still a very decent bed for my purpose, it is a bit big, and the assembly of the side bars was a nightmare. the assembly sheet was utterly useless and I had to test every possible position before I could find the correct one. 1 screw fell out from inside one of the metal bars of the bed - then I had a complete set - but I was still short in bolts so I dug one out of my tool box which means that connection is now loose.

It's sturdy enough for now though, and I will get a better bed as soon as I am finished my training.

Assembly took me the whole afternoon and into the evening. Now it's done and I need to re-organize my front room and that is no piece of cake. Mark my words. And I don't even like cake.

So in the mean time the sessions have taken place in my bedroom, on my bed, and that worked out very well (more on that later).  I make sure the room feels welcoming, clean and fresh. People seem to like it, so far.

Oh! ...We're going to see the Wizard!
...the wonderful wizard of Oz!!!
Because, Because, Because, Becauuuuuuse....
...because of the wonderful things he does!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

It arrived!!!

Oh my goodness, the excitement is off the roof!

So happy and grateful !!!
Thank you QHH Academy!

I went from store to store today looking for an affordable yet comfortable bed for my clients. The best I could do was $250.00 and that's excelent, it looks relatively comfortable and once I am doing better I will get something better. I really intend to make people feel very welcome, make it a really wonderful experience. It will take time to make it what I want it to be.
I am not patient. No. I want it all perfect now! Right Now! But I am forcing myself to pace myself: Let it go! It will come all the more easier if you just ...let it go. Let the Universe decide How and When it will all get there. Let the Universe decide What gets there. It sees the big picture, it knows what you need. It knows YOU!

Let it go.

It's ok.

Let it go.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


So excited!!!

I passed my level 1 QHHT exam today with a 95% mark!
A very good start!

You know what this means???

I will very shortly get started doing Quantum healing hypnosis sessions, healing people! and the 1st 10 are completely free!, the next 15 will be just "pay what you can" so if you know anyone in the Toronto area, Canada, let them know!!! This may be for them a unique chance to get healed at no cost.

I have a few people already on my list.


Anyone who get a session with me gets a free super high quality giclĂ©e art print!!! ...How cool is that ???
(Many to chose from!)

And here are a few links to learn more about QHHT:

- On Dolores Canon, the creator & developer of the QHHT system.

- On what is QHHT:

- On Alba Weinman who was my main inspiration to start doing this:

Monday, August 21, 2017

My new (mind blowing) path

I am just about to finish my level 1 QHHT course and it has been even better than I thought. It is so clearly a formidable tool, polished over decades of practice by Dolores Canon who was obviously a constant explorer, constantly researching new ways of doing things and improving her skills. The result of her nearly 50 years of practice, is this amazing unique discipline that can not be compared to anything else, a tool for people to get in touch with their true self, their higher self, their subconscious (or what ever else you want to call it).

The important thing is that Dolores has discovered a way to access undiscovered, deeper (higher) levels of consciousness that gives the therapist access to universal forces, universal love that can act on our behalf to heal emotional, mental, physical and metaphysical issues.

The treatment in a sense is very simple: client have 1 appointment, one is in most cases enough, but it is a 4 to 5 hour session, that include:

- Interview
- Induction
- Past life regression
- Spirit connection
- Higher Self consultation
- Release and healing
- Post-session counseling

I am very excited about this new path, it is truly my calling and I can't wait to start helping people, healing them and offering them this amazing journey into their vast selves.

If you have any questions, please send me a message.
I will start doing sessions very soon.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Goddess chamber

art: She took the counsel of trees

Dear Light Warriors,

Here is a link to the Goddess' Warrior Chamber:
Victory to the light!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

New path

Starting last May I have started on this new path.
The path of ascension.
I learn so much every day, about what was what will be.

What a fantastic adventure

Follow this link for a message that will resonate with your deepest chore of inner truth. Trust it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Ormus no-go

My 1st Ormus experiments did not yield any noticeable results,

I have since ordered Ormus from a reliable source (after a lot of research)
I will update you once I try it!