Friday, January 8, 2010

shame on me...

well, I've been away, and day dreaming, discovering and rediscovering new artist on the web and catching up with life - you KNOW how it is! ...hmmm?

Soooo many things to talk about.

- This year? lets see... what am I going to be doing?
show in May, that's good - already mentioned that.

My God-daughter who is a tree hugger like me is coming to visit from france and I'm taking her on a grand tour of Canada's magnificent forests ; you can be sure!

I bought 100.00$ worth of oil paint sooooo, I'll start on that soon but ... I don't know what I'm doing so who knows what will come out... after a lifetime of water base paint!? It'll be a surprise for *all* of us! (Though... there is that one oil painting I did 20 year ago... not that great of course!)

for the rest... I'll let you know of course!

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